A comprehensive feminine embodiment journey with the life-changing practices of non-sexual sensuality
and guided therapeutic movement, playful dance, and spiritual-somatic visualization meditations.
This is the foundation of your facilitator training!


As a masterful somatic facilitator, you must know how to create Trust & Safety in your body through somatic movement...

I have a secret to share with you... it's about how to accelerate your healing. We all want to feel better as quickly as possible right?! But with something that is going to LAST. No quick fixes here.

You're about to learn how to move into embodied power, softness, and magnetism with Sensual Self-Love.

And the best part is, you aren’t alone - you’ll be held by me as well as your sisters in tandem with your facilitator training. 


Get a taste of the sessions! Sensual Self-Love takes you through a vibrant, exploratory internal journey of refinement

with expressive dancing, educational talks, deep hip and pelvic floor opening, tender self-touch, intimate mirror work, and creative somatic meditations. Non-sexual sensuality allows for accelerated healing because you quickly change the way you relate to yourself by connecting to pleasurable energy available no matter what you're going through in your life - I created this methodology while I was grieving a breakup! I was desperate to feel whole again while going through my Dance/Movement Therapy Master's program - what you're about to learn was birthed through personal experience and academic training. After a year of integrating this into my daily routine and offering free group sessions with life-changing results, I ceremoniously created a beautiful space in my home and recorded all of this unique, juicy content that you get to keep in your library forever! It's one of the most valuable tools for regulation you'll ever learn! And once you know it - your body will never forget it. 


This program uniquely combines dance + meditation!

These are special tools that soothe and empower
 when you're stuck in those painful moments:

the thoughts that say, "I'm not enough"

the body's reactions that close you

I’m guiding you to remove what blocks you from feeling confident, excited, and receptive. You will move, sweat, cry, laugh, yell, sing... all for yourself in front of your mirror

The mirror is the game-changer you've been looking for!

And that's just during your private sessions when you're watching the videos - we also get to talk live together each week in a group Q&A with your sisters in addition to your weekly facilitator training call. 


✔ 8 Weekly Themes: each week features a 30-minute educational talk paired with a 30-minute movement session

✔ 2 Extra Juicy Movement Practices: Floor Rolling + Bed Bouncing

✔ 2 Sweaty Dance Workouts: high + low cardio choreographed classes

✔ 12 Guided Visualizations: on-the-spot interventions + deep intimate journeys

✔ 8 Weekly Live 1-hour Q&A Zoom calls for personalized guidance

✔ Everything included in the Sensorium (facilitator training + in-person ceremonial retreats)


Each week we discuss and integrate eight progressive themes: I have intentionally curated these modules for you as you move into a new way of processing emotions with your body and leading your life from your feminine range!  

 Week 1: Expression + Confidence

✦ Week 2: Trust + Safety 

 Week 3: Strength + Discipline

 Week 4: Creation + Manifestation

 Week 5: Power + Polarity Integration

 Week 6: Grief + Rage

 Week 7: Surrender + Acceptance

 Week 8: Receiving



I've also created exceptional meditations within each theme to support your healing and evolution. 

Visualization is just as important as movement in your ecstatic opening!

 Moving Awake
 Anxiety Spiral Support
 Anger to Peace
 Soothing the Critic
 Healing Light
 Moving Grief
 Meeting Your Higher Self

+ Three intimately guided ones...

 Receiving Self
(becoming your own best lover)
 Healing Wounds + Receiving the Masculine
(male narrator)

 Receiving Spirit
(the practice that inspired Sensual Self Love)



✔ 8 Weekly Themes: each week features a 30-minute educational talk paired with a 30-minute movement session

✔ 2 Extra Juicy Movement Practices: Floor Rolling + Bed Bouncing

✔ 2 Sweaty Dance Workouts: high + low cardio choreographed classes

✔ 12 Guided Visualizations: on-the-spot interventions + deep intimate journeys

✔ 8 Weekly Live 1-hour Q&A Zoom calls for personalized guidance

✔ Everything included in the Sensorium (facilitator training + in-person ceremonial retreats)


Each week we discuss and integrate eight progressive themes: I have intentionally curated these modules for you as you move into a new way of processing emotions with your body and leading your life from your feminine range!  

 Week 1: Expression + Confidence

✦ Week 2: Trust + Safety 

 Week 3: Strength + Discipline

 Week 4: Creation + Manifestation

 Week 5: Power + Polarity Integration

 Week 6: Grief + Rage

 Week 7: Surrender + Acceptance

 Week 8: Receiving


I've also created exceptional meditations within each theme to support your healing and evolution. 

Visualization is just as important as movement in your ecstatic opening!

 Moving Awake
 Anxiety Spiral Support
 Anger to Peace
 Soothing the Critic
 Healing Light
 Moving Grief
 Meeting Your Higher Self

+ Three intimately guided ones...

 Receiving Self
(becoming your own best lover)
 Healing Wounds + Receiving the Masculine
(male narrator)

 Receiving Spirit
(the practice that inspired Sensual Self Love)


Do you have Master Somatic Movement yet?


Get the somatic movement ritual I don't go a day without PLUS two other juicy movement sessions PLUS the full Somatic Surrender & MANifestation Guide PLUS all four Masterclasses that will kickstart your feminine embodiment journey.
You'll learn the basics of body connection, movement exploration, somatic visualization, and pelvic bowl activation. If you are new to this work or struggle with mobility - PLEASE begin here! And when your heart is on fire to become a facilitator, apply for The Sensorium


What women have experienced...


“I was blown away at how transformative it felt. It's powerfully therapeutic. No one could teach this course other than Kate; it’s truly an offering of her incredible and unique talent.


"The gifts and magic she’s giving and sharing with the world are life-changing. I have never felt more IN my body, powerful in my feminine energy, and grounded in my wants, needs, and desires than after these eight weeks of SSL. I feel like a new woman." 


"Every single SSL session, I find openness and freedom... they are the epitome of embodied. SSL is now an essential part of my self-care, and I cannot imagine living to my fullest without it." 


"I trust Kate with facilitating such deep work since she has worked so much to free herself. I found so much resistance, grief, and even pain deeply trapped in my hips. This work is hard, but it will move mountains stuck in you." 


"The gifts and magic she’s giving and sharing with the world are life-changing. I have never felt more IN my body, powerful in my feminine energy, and grounded in my wants, needs, and desires than after these eight weeks of SSL. I feel like a new woman." 


"Every single SSL session, I find openness and freedom... they are the epitome of embodied. SSL is now an essential part of my self-care, and I cannot imagine living to my fullest without it.


"I trust Kate with facilitating such deep work since she has worked so much to free herself. I found so much resistance, grief, and even pain deeply trapped in my hips. This work is hard, but it will move mountains stuck in you." 



✧ Who is this work for?

I created this methodology when I was struggling with a breakup. I worked so hard, moving every day to channel all the sadness, rage, and jealousy I was feeling into a healthy outlet. I actually had no idea the magic I was practicing until after consistently getting on my floor in front of my mirror and intuitively moving my big emotions. I started to feel better than I ever had in my entire life. I began offering classes when people were stressed out during quarantine, then with clients I was working with in graduate school who were survivors of sexual trauma. I realized this work was about learning to love yourself through understanding and communicating with your body in its language: sensation. This methodology is a reclaiming of sensuality not being inherently sexual. I was not sexually available after the breakup, my clients weren't sexually available as they healed their trauma, and yet we were all feeling the pleasure of connecting with ourselves sensually (breath, touch, sound, movement) not sexually! This is concept is KEY to facilitating healing somatic movement. 

✧ Do I need previous dance experience?

No, but it is helpful to have a foundation in rhythm and movement. The technique I use is repetitive, intuitive, and not choreographed, as well as gentle or fierce, depending on what the moment calls for. It is always intended to help you feel good as you build trust and safety within yourself. 

✧ What if I really want to practice sensual movement, but I can't afford this?

Please keep an eye out for a live Rhythm Alchemy class! It's only $22 per class for 60 minutes of fun, juicy, and deep movement. Women LOVE this class! Sign up here!